Design Thinking the Future – Join the Global Movement
March 24, 2025

Member Institutions

American University in Cairo

The American University in Cairo is a premier English language institution of higher learning. The University is committed to teaching and research of the highest caliber, and offers exceptional liberal arts and professional education in a cross-cultural environment. AUC builds a culture of leadership, lifelong learning, continuing education and service among its graduates, and is dedicated to making significant contributions to Egypt and the international community in diverse fields. AUC offers 37 bachelor’s degrees, 44 master’s degrees, and 2 doctoral degrees in applied sciences and engineering in addition to a wide range of graduate diplomas across its five schools: Business, Global Affairs and Public Policy, Humanities and Social Sciences, Sciences and Engineering, and the Graduate School of Education.

The American University in Cairo

The Center for Learning and Teaching
AUC Avenue, P.O. Box 74
New Cairo 11835


GDTA Contact Person
Hoda Mostafa

The Communication University of China (CUC) is a public university in Beijing, China. It is one of the Project 211 key universities directly administered by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Communication University of China is one of the top public universities in China. It is ranked No.1 of media education and ranked No.1 among language universities in China.


Communication University of China

Communication University of China
No. 6, Ding Fuzhuang South Street
Chao Yang District
China 100024


GDTA Contact Person
LinLin Shui

The CMR University (CMRU), a part of the CMR Group of Institutions was established as a Private University in Bengaluru by the Karnataka Government through the CMR University Act, 2013. CMR Group of Institutions, with over 24 different institutions and over 1,000 educators, caters to more than 20,000 students from over 60 different countries.


CMR University

CMR University (City Campus) #2
3rd ‘C’ Cross, 6th ‘A’ Main
2nd Block, HRBR Layout
Bengaluru – 560043
Karnataka, India


GDTA Contact Person
Vindhya Umapathy                                                                                                                                    

Design Thinking Center Moscow

Design Thinking Center, Moscow is a not-for-profit educational private institution created by a team of passionate believers and practitioners of Design Thinking in 2018 with a founding assistance of one of the oldest CX/UX teams – Wonderfull Laboratory.

We are founded to provide Russian professionals in product and design development, service design, T&D and other disciplines to build up their creative confidence and skills in Design Thinking according to world standards. “Our aim is to unite Russian practitioners with international
community of Design Thinkers”.

Design Thinking Center in Moscow is located in the city centre, occupying 450 sq.m. space at one of the oldest creative clusters. The space provides cutting edge workplace facilities for creative teams of varied size, being renovated in partnership with Steelcase, Moscow.

Design Thinking Center provides educational and certification programs for Russian-spoken professionals on Design Thinking, Customer Experience and Creative Team Working online and offline:

  • Open courses and lectures,
  • Corporate education,
  • CX Academy,
  • Innovation Accelerators,
  • Design Thinking certification programs for coaches,
  • CX Labs on product and service design,
  • Design Thinking for Schools initiative.

Design Thinking Camp – is an international 3-days get-together for experts and practitioners online, being held annually by Design Thinking Center in Moscow. Each event gathers more than 600 people from all over the world to exchange experiences and get inspiration from cases, stories, practices and positive minds. Design Thinking Camp 2021 will be held on August 6-8 online.

Design Thinking Center in Moscow is led by one of the first Russian evangelists of Design Thinking – Maria Stashenko, Harvard Business Review, Russia contributor, scientific editor of Jeanne Liedtka, Michael Lewrick, Tim Brown and other Russian books editions of the globally renowned Design Thinking experts, consultant on customer experience for more than 20 years with 1200+ projects done for global companies in varied industries. Maria is an alumni of Hochschule Anhalt and Staffordshire University.


Design Thinking Center, Moscow

Design Thinking Center, Moscow
105082 Perevedenovskiy per.,
bld. 2, space 2-31


GDTA Contact Person
Maria Stashenko

Genovasi was launched on 1 August 2012 with the initial mission to equip Malaysian youths with an innovation mindset using the Design Thinking methodology. Up to date, Genovasi is Malaysia’s only Design Thinking school and the leading regional partner of the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) School of Design Thinking at Potsdam University, Germany. Genovasi Malaysia is the first of its kind in Asia and the third instalment of HPI Schools of Design Thinking in the world. Modelled after the first institutionalised Design Thinking School in Stanford University, Genovasi Malaysia positions itself as an innovative organisation focused on propagating Design Thinking and its practices as the core competency to enhance any ready skill-set to drive innovation.


Genovasi Malaysia

Genovasi Malaysia Sdn Bhd
No. 2A (Gate C)
Jalan 13/2, Section 13
46200 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan


GDTA Contact Person
Dato Lee Mew Yeng

Echos Innovation Lab

Echos – Innovation Lab Echos is an innovation lab that aims to foster the new generation of innovators worldwide. Echos has three business fronts: Innovation Projects, Echos – School of Design Thinking, and Echos’ Ventures. We believe that innovation only happens through people and that every problem and solution carries in it a decisive human-factor. It is from this perspective that we project new realities.

Echos Innovation Lab

Echos Innovation Lab
Rua Baluarte, 672
Vila Olímpia – São Paulo



GDTA Contact Person
Ricardo Ruffo

FH JOANNEUM is one of the largest University of Applied Sciences in Austria. It has three campuses (Graz, Bad Gleichenberg, Kapfenberg) with about 5,000 students and almost 70 degree programs in a variety of areas including business, technology, design, media, architecture, health and social services. Design Thinking is taught and applied in different degree programs, especially the Master´s programme Digital Entrepreneurship of the Institute of International Management and Entrepreneurship. This institute is also the Austrian representative for the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor research program.



International Management and Entrepreneurship
Eggenberger Allee 11
8020 Graz


GDTA Contact Person
Dr. Doris Kiendl, Head of Institute

Dr. Christian Friedl, Associate Professor

The Hasso Plattner Institute of Design Thinking at the University of Cape Town (d-school) is the only academic institution in the region which offers academic training and capacitation in Design Thinking to university scholars and professionals in the public and private sectors. The d-school was founded in Cape Town in August 2015 with funding, IP and academic support from Prof. Dr. Hasso Plattner. Professor Plattner initiated and funded the first academic programmes in Design Thinking. Students from all disciplines and industry and government executives come together at the d-school to learn to work collaboratively in diverse and inclusive multi-disciplinary teams on real world challenges and to develop human-centred innovative solutions.


Hasso Plattner Institute of Design Thinking

UCT Graduate School of Business
Breakwater Campus
Portswood Road Green Point
Cape Town
South Africa


GDTA Contact Person
Richard Perez

Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) in Potsdam is Germany’s university excellence center for digital engineering. With the bachelor‘s and master’s degree programs in “IT Systems Engineering,” the Faculty for Digital Engineering at the University of Potsdam offers an especially practical and engineering-oriented study program in computer science that is unique throughout Germany. The HPI School of Design Thinking offers a supplementary training program in Design Thinking that is unique in Europe. Students receive solid knowledge and skills in innovation methodology and practical application. In intensive collaboration with companies and social institutions, our multidisciplinary student teams develop especially user-friendly products and services. The special working environment, sophisticated innovation process and highly-qualified instructors provide the best conditions to make it happen.


HPI School of Design Thinking

School of Design Thinking
Campus Griebnitzsee | University of Potsdam
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2–3
14482 Potsdam


GDTA Contact Person
Uli Weinberg

Impact Week gUG is a non-profit company that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship as well as intercultural and intercompany exchange in countries of the Global South. Impact Week unites innovative minds from different backgrounds, countries, and organizations to collaborate on driving positive societal transformation in their communities and aim at creating meaningful and lasting change in our host countries.
We provide resources and support in the form of Design Thinking training to local staff of universities and NGOs. The goal is to train local community leaders who can become multipliers of the knowledge in order to empower local communities to become more self-sufficient and create innovative solutions for their challenges. Through this initiative, we have been able to address challenges such as food security, health, education, green energy, and urban development, and some of the ideas have even transformed into successful start-ups.



Impact Week gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Pappelallee 78-79
10437 Berlin

GDTA Contact Person
Carolin Taenzer , Managing Director of Impact Week


IRDG is a non-profit, business-led, cross-sectoral Innovation Network of over 300 member companies and higher education institutes in Ireland, working together to drive excellence in Innovation within Ireland’s industry to create growth, jobs and prosperity.


Industry Research & Development Group

Regus Pembroke House
28-32 Upper Pembroke Street
Dublin 2


GDTA Contact Person
Denis Hayes, IRDG Managing Director

Innovation Station is Flemingsberg’s and southern Stockholm’s hub for innovation, collaboration, and coworking. Located on a multi-university campus with extensive knowledge and resources, our mission is to create a space where entrepreneurs, researchers, students, and business developers and more can come together. We aim to foster an environment where diverse disciplines intersect, generate new perspectives, and build partnerships that create innovative solutions with a positive impact on our local community.
With Design Thinking as one of our core areas, we teach students and professionals to apply this methodology to tackle social challenges and foster creativity. Connected directly to the University and an ecosystem spanning multiple professions, we offer the opportunity to connect with a rich mix of resources and expertise to drive development and innovation. We attract those who value cross-sector collaboration and knowledge exchange to elevate their organizations and create opportunities for positive societal change.

Innovation Station Fleminsgberg
Södertörn University

Alfred Nobels allé 7
141 89 Huddinge

GDTA Contact Person
Johan Bornebusch

Ivey Business School is a Canadian business school located at the University of Western Ontario. Ivey offers full-time undergraduate (HBA), MBA, MSc, and PhD programs and also maintains two teaching facilities in Toronto and Hong Kong for its EMBA and Executive Education programs. As one of the oldest business schools in Canada, Ivey is also accredited with establishing the nation’s first MBA and PhD program in Business. The business school was officially created in 1950, when Western University created a separate faculty as the School of Business Administration.


Ivey Business School

Ivey Business School
1255 Western Road
Canada, N6G 0N1


GDTA Contact Person
Darren Meister

The Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL) is a prominent Ecuadorian public university. There are approximately 8400 undergraduate students distributed in 8 faculties that offer 32 programs in six areas of knowledge. i3lab is ESPOL’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center. Its mission is to foster and develop entrepreneurial culture, skills, and talent to create value through innovation. Its mantra is “Create value now”. i3lab is organized in four areas, each area has its functions based on the university’s needs for innovation: Education, Start-Ups, T-Transfer and Outreach.

Design thinking is embedded in ESPOL’s curriculum. All freshmen students must take a course where they learn and apply design thinking to solve a real-life problem. The effects of design thinking on students’ skills have been investigated and its results have been published in academic journals. There are other courses that apply design thinking in advanced courses, including the graduation Capstone course.

i3lab offers professional training in design thinking for ESPOL’s faculty, faculty from other universities, individuals, and companies. Besides, i3lab organizes an innovation week called “i3week”, annually. In this week, various activities (talks, competitions, mentoring sessions, workshops, etc.) take place oriented to students, teachers, researchers and public in general.

i3lab Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center at Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL)

Km 30.5 Via Perimetral
Building 13L
Guayaquil, Ecuador

GDTA Contact Person
Sharon Guaman-Quintanilla
Academic coordinator at i3lab

KLEF Deemed University

KLEF Deemed to be University was established in 1980-81, as KL College of Engineering, which was upgraded to KL College of Engineering Autonomous in 2006 by UGC and was declared as a Deemed to be University in 2009 by UGC, MHRD Govt. of India. In short Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation is named as K L Deemed to be University. It envisions to impart quality higher education and to undertake research and extension with emphasis on application and innovation that cater to the emerging societal needs through all-round development of students of all sections enabling them to be globally competitive and socially responsible citizens with intrinsic values.

The University offers a diverse range of educational programs, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs, in a variety of streams such as Engineering, Management, Humanities and Sciences, Law, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Commerce, and Fine Arts. Presently it is catering 30,000 students and is recognized as a top-ranked institution in India, holding 27th position.

To attain the innovation aspect of the vision the University has established Design Thinking and Innovation Department. The Department mission is to harness the innovative potential of students and faculty members and provide the necessary resources to turn ideas into successful enterprise or social contribution.


KLEF Deemed to be University

Green Fields, Vaddeswaram
Guntur District, A.P.

GDTA Contact Person
Dr. K. Narasimha Raju
HOD-Design Thinking and Innovation
Associate Dean Academic Innovations

The Department of Management is a world class centre for education and research in business and management. At the heart of LSE’s academic community in central London, we are ranked #2 in the world for business and management.


London School of Economics – Department of Management

Department of Management
London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom


GDTA Contact Person
Linda Hickman

D-School Romania

The Design Thinking School of the university in Sibiu (ULBS D-School) is the only center in a Romanian university offering Design Thinking courses for teachers and students.

With 9 faculties organised in 25 different departments, 24 research centers and international programs developed with partners from 24 countries and 130 foreign universities, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS) stands for diversity, promoting the slogan: “A thousand identities. One university”.

LBUS encourages over 15000 students every year to develop their creativity and potential, preparing and supporting them to develop a successful career after attending one of our 71 bachelor- / 60 master programs, or PhD in one of our 15 PhD domains. We aim for and foster quality in research and education, entrepreneurship, innovation and openness.


Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Bd-ul. Victoriei, Nr. 10

GDTA Contact Person
Raluca Mihaela Bârsan

Politecnico di Milano DT Observatory

Politecnico di Milano is a scientific-technological university which trains engineers, architects and industrial designers. The University has always focused on the quality and innovation of its teaching and research, developing a fruitful relationship with business and the productive world by means of experimental research and technological transfer.

Research has always been linked to didactics and it is a priority commitment which has allowed Politecnico Milano to achieve high quality results at an international level as to join the university to the business world. Research constitutes a parallel path to that formed by cooperation and alliances with the industrial system. Knowing the world in which you are going to work is a vital requirement for training students. By referring back to the needs of the industrial world and public administration, research is facilitated in following new paths and dealing with the need for constant and rapid innovation.

The alliance with the industrial world, in many cases favored by Fondazione Politecnico and by consortiums to which Politecnico belong, allows the university to follow the vocation of the territories in which it operates and to be a stimulus for their development. The challenge which is being met today projects this tradition which is strongly rooted in the territory beyond the borders of the country, in a relationship which is developing first of all at the European level with the objective of contributing to the creation of a single professional training market.

Politecnico takes part in several research, sites and training projects collaborating with the most qualified European universities. Politecnico’s contribution is increasingly being extended to other countries: from North America to Southeast Asia to Eastern Europe. Today the drive to internationalization sees Politecnico Milano taking part into the European and world network of leading technical universities and it offers several courses beside many which are entirely taught in English.

The Observatory Design Thinking for Business was born in 2017 due to the increasing pervasiveness of this approach in different application contexts: from strategic consulting to digital transformation, from digital experience design (UX / UI) to the development of new consumer experiences. The extraordinary amount of acquisitions of design reality in the last 8 years by strategic consulting companies or major players in the digital transformation demonstrates the growing pervasiveness of Design Thinking. The phenomenon highlights the strategic value that the Design Thinking methodologies, approaches and tools assume in different contexts.

In particular, the Observatory aims to be the reference point for the community of innovators who adopt pioneering approaches such as Design Thinking in creating value for their companies, researching new practices and wanting to be in the right networks. The objective is to bring together a group of companies interested in exchanging views on recent developments in Design Thinking, bringing together the potential but also the weak points of this approach to become a strong and updated reference point for all Design Thinkers.



Observatory Design Thinking for Business at Politecnico di Milano

Via Lambruschini, 4B (Building 26/B)
20156 Milano

GDTA Contact Person
Claudio Dell’Era

OpenLab is a centre where students, educators and researchers from Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University and Södertörn University are working on challenges faced by the City of Stockholm, Stockholm County Council and Stockholm County Administrative Board. The goal is to produce proposals for solutions to complex social issues in this growing region through new interdisciplinary collaboration between traditional knowledge areas. OpenLab plays an important role in placing Stockholm at the forefront of knowledge development to find solutions to the challenges facing the growing and sustainable city.


OpenLab Stockholm

Valhallavägen 79
114 28 Stockholm


GDTA Contact Person
Ivar Björkman

Penn State Learning Factory

The Learning Factory supports design within the College of Engineering at Penn State. We host hands-on learning activities for class work as well as Build Nights and other multi-disciplinary efforts. Additionally, the LF coordinate the largest multi-disciplinary client-sponsored capstone program in the world, with nearly 250 projects a year. Our Engineering Design Program provides instruction and offers graduate degrees in design and design thinking, entrepreneurship, leadership, and other related topics.


The Learning Factory

The Pennsylvania State University
University Park
PA 16802
United States


GDTA Contact Person
Matthew Parkinson

The School of Public Policy and Global Affairs (the “Policy School”) at the University of British Columbia seeks to be an essential centre for innovation in global affairs and public policy. The UBC Policy School catalyzes a network of accomplished scholars who collaborate with students, community, government, business leaders, and civil society through research, teaching, and practice. The goal of the Policy School is to contribute to solving problems of local importance and global consequence at the nexus of governance and scholarship.


Policy School at the UBC

The University of British Columbia
Vancouver Campus
6476 NW Marine Drive
Vancouver B.C.
V6T 1Z2 Canada


GDTA Contact Person
Moura Quayle


The Story of “Shenkar – Engineering. Design. Art”

“Shenkar – Engineering. Design. Art” has established itself as one of the leading colleges in Israel. Every year, Shenkar’s graduates find themselves in the forefront of research and the industry, exhibit their works, participate in competitions, and win prestigious awards.

Combining faculties of engineering, design, and art is the basis of this institution’s unique multidisciplinary academics, allowing students and professors to combine cutting-edge technologies with contemporary design and artistic concepts. Each faculty has its own character, yet maintains fruitful collaborations with the other faculties, exposing students to a variety of disciplines and different fields of knowledge.

Shenkar offers academic degrees in design, art, and engineering and joint PhD programs with leading international education institutions.


Shenkar – Engineering. Design. Art

Anna Frank 12


GDTA Contact Person
Daniel Altman

The User Experience Centre (UXC) is a design consultancy and training unit within Singapore Polytechnic. Comprising a multidisciplinary team of problem solvers, UXC applies Humanity Centred Design (HCD+) principles to collaboratively address complex challenges alongside industry partners.


Singapore Polytechnic
500 Dover Rd, T4A31,
Singapore 139651

GDTA Contact Person
Sooyin Tang

SNS started it’s journey in 1997 through Sri SNS Charitable Trust with a philanthropic outlook of serving the society in the fields of Education, Textiles, Software and several other allied Industries. Ever since the inception of Sri SNS Charitable Trust, SNS have been expanding it’s wide spectrum of educational streams from pre-school to advanced levels of graduate and post graduate programmes in Arts, Science, Education, Management, Engineering, Pharmacy, Allied health sciences, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Innovation centers. Every institution has a well-defined vision, highly committed mission and dedicated faculty members to deliver excellence in Design Thinking based Education and Innovation through our five pillar theme. With 10K Student fraternity in 10 Institutions, ranking among the top 5 institutions in Coimbatore, SNS opt to shine as one of the premier institutions in the country and become an internationally recognized university worldwide.


SNS Group of Institutions

Nalin SNS
Director – Technical


536, Thudiyalur – Saravanampatti Road,
Vellakinar (PO),
Coimbatore – 641 029,
Tamil Nadu, India

QUT is a major Australian university with a global outlook and a real-world focus. We are one of the nation’s fastest growing research universities and our courses are in high demand. We are an ambitious and collaborative institution that seeks to equip our students and graduates with the skills they’ll need in an increasingly disrupted and challenged world. We are transforming the student experience we offer our 50,000 students and we place a premium on the international and national accreditation of our various professional degrees. Our internationally award-winning Science and Engineering Centre is home to The Cube, acknowledged as one of the world’s largest digital interactive learning and display spaces. We established the world’s first Creative Industries Faculty, and we invest heavily in collaborative learning and interdisciplinary research environments.


Queensland University of Technology – Design Lab

QUT Design Lab
GPO Box 2434
Brisbane QLD 4001


GDTA Contact Person
Evonne Miller

Technical School of Innovation of the American University of Central Asia (TSI AUCA) is a private tuition-based not-for-profit non-denominational secondary professional education institution operating under the law of the Kyrgyz Republic (KR) located in Bishkek.

Education at TSI AUCA lasts three years, one year of a secondary general education program and two years of professional education, equivalent to bachelor programs.

TSI AUCA curricula are designed according to the international standards of education. The load of 3-year curriculums at TSI is 247 ECTS and more.

We offer a unique program in “Design Management and Design Thinking” that prepares students to develop and implement new commercial and social products based on methods of design thinking, offering solutions that comply with the needs of society and meet the ethical principles and requirements of sustainable development.

Program graduates have professional skills in collecting and analyzing large amounts of diverse data related to living conditions, attitudes, desires, values, interests of consumers, as well as methods of organizing teamwork of specialists of different profiles to generate ideas and immerse themselves in the life of the user in order to identify ways to improve consumer well-being and develop ideas for new products.

Graduates are proficient in prototyping, experimentation, and product testing techniques to understand consumer experience and refine products.

At the end of the 2nd year students start to work on the Final Inter-disciplinary startup Project (FIP) that requires to mobilize the whole variety of skills acquired in different subjects during their studies. FIP is realized by teams of students who are composed randomly from representatives of 6 majors. The process of FIP is organized through the Design Thinking stages. During 14-month students are working to identify the consumer needs, propose solutions, calculate financial forecast, raise money create prototypes, start sales of refined products.

All students may apply to the Civic Engagement Minor program (CEM) while studying. At the end of the program the most successful students get certificate and transcripts for CEM program separately from the main TSI AUCA Diploma.

Technical School of Innovation of the American University of Central Asia

Mederova street 161a

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


GDTA Contact Person

Sultanova Deniza


At Tecnológico de Monterrey we believe in Mexico and our communities. We believe in our people, the riches of our cultural diversity, our history, but above all, we are convinced that we must actively participate in building our future. We know that we can contribute to the improvement of our present and forge the future we dream of. Each of us can decide how we want it to be, and together, make it real. Knowledge is our first step to go forward. It is knowledge that generates change and transforms.

At Tecnológico de Monterrey, we have had a Design Thinking Initiative since four years ago. It is helping our students, professors, directives, companies and community to address problems with a Human-Centered approach.

We invite you to find out more about Tecnológico de Monterrey:

Tecnológico de Monterrey

Campus Guadalajara
Av. General Ramón Corona #2514.

Col. Nuevo México, CP 45138.

Zapopan, Jal. México


GDTA Contact Person

Alejandro Rodríguez

India’s only dedicated institute for Design Thinking, leading in the space of Human Experience Design, with over 100 clients in 9 countries. Bringing innovative programs to learners to develop Innovation Mindsets, Design Thinking Mastery, and relevant Application Skills.


UBQT Design Thinking School

Harmony Homes,
Hrbr Layout,
Hennur Main Road,
Bangalore 560043,

GDTA Contact Person

Anirban Bhattacharya, Founder

Universitas Bakrie was established in 2010 as a manifestation of The Bakrie Foundation’s commitment to developing the excellence of Indonesia’s human resources. With a vision of “A globally recognized university through engagement with industries and experience learning method”, the university is backed up by a group of companies from several industries.

In 2023, Universitas Bakrie consists of 12 study programs under two faculties.

The Design Thinking approach is implemented systematically in the Undergraduate Management Study program. As a critical component of its curriculum, the students actively engage in real-world projects, applying Design Thinking principles to tackle complex organizational challenges. By providing this hands-on experience, the study program prepares the students to become agile thinkers, problem solvers, and innovators – essential skills for success in the modern business landscape.

Universitas Bakrie

Jl. Rasuna Said Kav C-22
Jakarta Selatan 129210


GDTA Contact Person
M. Taufiq Amir, Ph.D

Head of Program, Management Study Program                  

UCC was founded in 1849,  UCC is now ranked in the top 1.1% of universities in the world and ranked 8th in the world for impact by Times Higher Education 2021. UCC has over 23,000 students and was the first university in the world to be awarded a Green Flag from the Foundation of Environmental Education.


University of College Cork 
College Road
Cork, T12 K8AF


GDTA Contact Person
Dr. Fiona Chambers
Director StrategicDesign@UCC
Founder Global Design Challenge
Co-director of Postgraduate Diploma in Innovation through Design Thinking

Head of the School of Education, University College Cork
Senior Lecturer in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy

Universidad Mayor

Universidad Mayor is a private non-profit university in Chile, with campuses in Santiago and Temuco, and a Branch Campus in Miami (USA). The university is accredited in Chile by the Comisión Nacional de Acreditación (CNA) and in the U.S. by the Middle States Commission of Higher Education (MSCHE), including multiple national and international programmatic accreditations. The institution serves 23,000 students between 43 undergraduate programs, over 100 graduate and diploma programs, and 6 doctoral degrees. With 18 top edge research centers, the institution is leader in the areas of genomics, aging, nanotechnology, and quantum communication, among other fields locally. Since 2018 the institution established the first D-School in Latin America through a collaboration with the Hasso Plattner Institute in Germany, installing the design thinking as a core methodology into the curriculum of its undergraduate and graduate programs, training faculty, and expanding this knowledge and mindset to the organization itself.

Universidad Mayor

Universidad Mayor

San Pio X 2422, Providencia



University Website:

D-School Website:



GDTA Contact Person
Mario Herane

The University of Cologne (UoC) is one of the oldest and with about 50.000 Students largest universities in Europe. Due to its outstanding scientific achievements and the high quality and diversity of its degree programmes, it enjoys an excellent international reputation. The UoC’s mission is to create, preserve and impart knowledge, to offer its students and early-career academics outstanding academic education, to qualify them for both academic and professional careers, to promote cutting-edge research and to drive innovation while focusing on the constantly changing needs and challenges of today’s society.

UoC’s teacher education programmes with about 13.000 participants make UoC the single largest provider of Teacher Education in Europe. The Institute of Physics Education provides content knowledge in physics for all teacher education programmes in the Sciences. It researches and develops the use of Design Thinking in Education, supports the digital transformation with a digital Makerspace for Schools, and serves as bridge from Teacher Education to the University GATEWAY Excellence Start-Up Center.

Design Thinking is used on several levels in UoC, from strategic decision making in the Arena Process, to curriculum design, and for the design of lessons and learning materials serving a heterogenous and inclusive community in the University and its surrounding schools.

University of Cologne

50923 Cologne


GDTA Contact Person

Prof. Dr. André Bresges
Institute of Physics Education

University of Galway

The University of Galway is located in the heart city of Galway, Ireland. The university was awarded the full five QS stars for excellence in 2012 and is ranked among the top 2 percent of universities in the 2018 QS World University Rankings.  The University has almost 19,000 students and over 2000 staff.

In 2020 the University was awarded funding for a new initiative called Designing Futures which will embed a design approach to life for all students.  The project is designed to empower, educate and support students to lead better lives and succeed in the complex world we live in. Designing Futures will ensure University of Galway’s position as a leader in innovative, student-centred and enterprise-engaged education internationally.

The University is home to two flagship units that specialise in human centred design, IdeasLab and Bioinnovate Ireland.  IdeasLab is the University of Galway’s student innovation hub, who use design thinking across all their programmes and modules.  The unit has a fully developed empathy lab, the first if its kind in Europe which combines the science of human behaviour with the art of human centred design.  Bioinnovate Ireland is an affiliate of Stanford BioDesign.  Bioinnovate Ireland develop a talented, motivated, multidisciplinary pool of innovators to shape the future of healthcare globally. Supported by Enterprise Ireland, it has grown significantly since its inception.

University of Galway

University Road


GDTA Contact Person

Dr. Natalie Walsh, Director of Entrepreneurial Development, University of Galway

UTS is a dynamic and innovative university in central Sydney. One of Australia’s leading universities of technology, UTS has a distinct model of learning, strong research performance and a leading reputation for engagement with industry and the professions. UTS offers over 130 undergraduate and 210 postgraduate courses across traditional and emerging disciplines such as architecture, built environment, business, communication, design, education, engineering, information technology, international studies, law, midwifery, nursing, pharmacy and science. In line with the UTS model of global practice-oriented learning, many of our students undertake professional practice during their degree. As part of their degree program, students also have the opportunity to study at one of more than 185 universities in about 40 countries with which UTS has exchange agreements.


UTS Business School

UTS Business School
University of Technology Sydney
PO Box 123. Broadway NSW 2007


GDTA Contact Person
Dr. Jochen Schweitzer

UVA Darden School of Business

The University of Virginia Darden School of Business delivers the world’s best business education experience to prepare entrepreneurial, global and responsible leaders through its MBA, Ph.D., MSBA and Executive Education programs. Darden’s top-ranked faculty is renowned for teaching excellence and advances practical business knowledge through research. Darden was established in 1955 at the University of Virginia, a top public university founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819 in Charlottesville, Virginia.


University of Virginia

Darden School of Business
100 Darden Boulevard
Charlottesville, VA. 22903
United States


GDTA Contact Person
Jeanne Liedtka

V&A Dundee

As Scotland’s first design museum, V&A Dundee tells a global story, investigating the international importance of design alongside presenting Scotland’s outstanding design achievements.

V&A Dundee features world-class exhibitions alongside the permanent Scottish Design Galleries, and a changing programme of commissions, events and activities.

The museum has been delivered by Design Dundee Ltd, founded by the Victoria and Albert Museum – the world’s leading museum of art, design and performance – Dundee City Council, the University of Dundee, Abertay University and Scottish Enterprise.

Through its Design & Innovation programme, V&A Dundee is supporting individuals and organizations across the country. Our activity aims to accelerate the nationwide adoption of a design mindset, skills and tools for national prosperity, organisational effectiveness, and individual empowerment; creating demonstrable positive impact for Scotland.


V&A Dundee

V&A Dundee
1 Riverside Esplanade,
DD1 4EZ,
United Kingdom


GDTA Contact Person

Lee Johnstone


Yasar University Design Implementation and Research Center (YUTAM) is a  research center within the body of a foundation HEI in Izmir, Turkiye. Yasar University has the vision of “A world-class university dedicated to designing and redefining the future” and the mission of “Creating sustainable value through superior education and research and contributing to society by cultivating those innovative individuals who will shape the future.”

YUTAM carries out interdisciplinary cultural and academic activities to support education, training, design, research, and innovation. YUTAM serves the design needs of living environments.


Yasar University

Yasar Üniversitesi Selcuk Yasar
Üniversite Cad. No: 37-39 Agaçlı Yol

GDTA Contact Person
Can Guvenir
